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- Corver, Norbert (1992). Bij Marie in de nek. Interne structuur en extractiegedrag. Gramma/TTT tijdschrift voor taalkunde.
- Corver, Norbert (1993). A note on subcomparatives, Linguistic Inquiry 24.4:773-781.
Corver, Norbert (1995). Succes-imperatieven. Evidentie voor de transitiviteit van onergatieven. Tabu, 25.3:125-127.
- Corver, Norbert (1997). The Internal Syntax of the Dutch Extended Adjectival Projection. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory.
- Corver, Norbert & Henk van Riemsdijk (1997). The position of the head and the domain of scrambling.
- Delfitto, Denis & Norbert Corver (1998). Feature primitives and the syntax of specificity. Rivista di Linguistica.
- Craats, Ineke van der, Norbert Corver & Roeland van Hout (1998). De wet van behoud van structuur. Verwerving van de possessief in een tweede taal. Toegepaste taalwetenschap in artikelen 58. Anéla. Nr. 1:137-147
- Corver, Norbert & Denis Delfitto (2000). Introduction: On adverbs and adverbial modification, Italian Journal of Linguistics, 12.1:1-11
- Corver, Norbert (2000). Degree adverbs as displaced predicates. Rivista di linguistica 12.1.
- Craats, Ineke van der, Norbert Corver & Roeland van Hout (2000). Conservation of grammatical knowledge: on the acquisition of possessive noun phrases by Turkish and Moroccan learners of Dutch.
- Corver, Norbert & Craig Thiersch (2001). Remarks on Parentheticals. In M. van Oostendorp & E. Anagnostopoulou (Eds.), Progress in Grammar. Articles at the 20th Anniversary of the Comparison of Grammatical Models Group in Tilburg. Utrecht, the Netherlands: Roquade.
- Corver, Norbert (2002). On three types of movement within the Dutch nominal domain. In M. Coene & Y. D’ Hulst (Eds.), From NP to DP. Volume 1: The Syntax and Semantics of Noun Phrases. Amsterdam: John Benjamins (Linguistik Aktuell), 297-328.
- Corver, Norbert (2002). Taal in Zicht. (Inaugural lecture, Utrecht University)
- Corver, Norbert (2003). A note on micro-dimensions of possession in Dutch and related languages. In Jan Koster & Henk van Riemsdijk (eds.), Germania et alia. A linguistic Webschrift for Hans den Besten, 1-12
- Corver, Norbert, Mieke Trommelen & Fred Weerman (2003). Nooit het laatste woord. Een interview met Henk Verkuyl. Nederlandse Taalkunde 8.3, 262-273.
- Corver, Norbert (2003). Hoe leefbaar is het Nederlands? Nederlandse Taalkunde 8.4 (2003), 285-301.
Corver, Norbert (2004). Some notes on emphatic forms and displacement in Dutch. In A. Breitbarth & H. van Riemsdijk (Eds.), Triggers. Berlin – New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 137-172. - Corver, Norbert (2005). Proleptic agreement as a good design property. In João Costa & Maria Christina Figueiredo Silva (eds), Studies on Agreement, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 47-74.
- Corver, Norbert & Marc van Oostendorp (2005). Low Saxon possessive pronominals: Syntax and phonology. In: J. Doetjes & J. van de Weijer (eds.). Linguistics in the Netherlands 2005. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 73-86.
- Corver, Norbert (2005). Double Comparatives and the Comparative Criterion. Revue Linguistique de Vincennes 34, 165-190.
- Corver, Norbert (2005). Approximative of zo as a diagnostic tool. In Hans Broekhuis, Norbert Corver, Riny Huijbregts, Ursula Kleinhenz, Jan Koster (eds.). Organizing grammar. Linguistic studies in honor of Henk van Riemsdijk. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin/New York, 74-82.
- Kampen, Jacqueline van & Norbert Corver (2006). Diversity of possessor marking in Dutch child language and Dutch dialects. In M. Vliegen (Ed.), Variation in Sprachtheorie und Spracherwerb. Proceedings of the 39th Linguistic Colloquium 2004. Berlin: Lang, 385-398.
- Corver, Norbert & Joost Zwarts (2006). Prepositional Numerals. Lingua 116.6: 811-835.
- Corver, Norbert (2007). Over de S(T)AND van de Nederlandse dialectsyntaxis. Taal en Tongval. Tijdschrift voor taalvariatie. 41-55.
Corver, Norbert (2007). Dutch –s-prolepsis as a copying phenomenon. In N. Corver & J. Nunes (Eds.), The Copy theory of movement. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins (Linguistik Aktuell), 175-217. - Corver, Norbert (2007). Dutch ‘proper name + -s’. A hidden possessive. In B. Los & M. van Koppen (Eds.), Linguistics in the Netherlands 2007. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 74-85.
- Corver, Norbert (2007). Meer over negatief ‘meer’. (appeared in
- Corver, Norbert, Marjo van Koppen, Huib Kranendonk & Mirjam Rigterink (2007). The Noun Phrase: Diversity in Dutch DP Design (DiDDD). Nordlyd 34:73-85
- Corver, Norbert, Jenny Doetjes & Joost Zwarts (2007). Linguistic perspectives on numerical expressions: Introduction. Lingua 117.5: 751-758
- Corver, Norbert (2008). Uniformity and Diversity in the Syntax of Evaluative Vocatives. Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 11.1: 43-93.
- Corver, Norbert (2008). On Silent Semi-lexical Person. Lingue e Linguaggio VII.1:5-24.
- Corver, Norbert & Marjo van Koppen. Let’s focus on NP-ellipsis. GAGL (Groninger Arbeiten zur Germanistischen Linguistik) 48, 3-26 (
- Corver, Norbert (2009) ‘Getting the (Syntactic) Measure of Measure Phrases.’ The Linguistic Review 26.1.: 67-134.
- Corver, Norbert & Huib Kranendonk (2009). ‘Collective Numeral Constructions in Dutch: Remarkable Plurals, Regular Syntax and Silent Nouns. In: Jeroen van Craenenbroeck & Johan Rooryck (eds.), Linguistic Variation Yearbook. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Aboh, Enoch O., Norbert Corver, Marina Dyakonova & Marjo van Koppen (2010). DP-internal information structure: Some introductory remarks. Lingua 120: 782-801. (Special issue on DP-internal information structure)
- Corver, Norbert (2010). Dressed numerals and the structure of universal numeric quantifiers. In: J.-W. Zwart & M. de Vries (eds.) Structure Preserved. Studies in Syntax for Jan Koster. 91-99. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Corver, Norbert & Marjo van Koppen (2010). Ellipsis in Dutch possessive noun phrases: a micro-comparative approach. Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 13:99-140.
- Corver, Norbert & Marjo van Koppen (2010). Over lidwoorden en voornaamwoorden in de Nederlandse dialecten.
- Corver, Norbert & Marjo van Koppen. NP-ellipsis with adjectival remnants: a micro-comparative perspective (to appear in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory).
- Corver, Norbert & Marjo van Koppen. Micro-diversity in Dutch interrogative DPs. A case study in the (dis)continuous ‘wat voor ‘n N’-construction. In: P. Sleeman & H. Perridon (eds.). The Noun Phrase in Romance and Germanic: Structure, Variation and Change. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Corver, Norbert. Lexical categories and (extended) projexction. To appear in M. Den Dikken (ed.). Handbook of Generative Syntax. Cambridge University Press.
- Corver, Norbert, Marjo van Koppen & Huib Kranendonk (2011). Dressed partitives, Construct states and ECP: A Dutch micro-comparative perspective.
- Corver, Norbert, Roeland van Hout & Frenette Southwood (2011). SLI as a Syntax-Phonology (PF) Interface Problem: Evidence From Afrikaans
- Corver, Norbert (2012). Constructies en Cardinalia. (appeared in Nederlandse Taalkunde)
- Corver, Norbert (2012). Review article of Adjectives. Formal analyses in syntax and semantics (eds. Patricia Cabredo-Hofherr and Ora Matushansky). Language 88.1.
- Corver, Norbert (2012). Recursing in Dutch.
- Corver, Norbert (2012). Interjections as Structured Root Expressions.
- Corver, Norbert, Marjo van Koppen, Huib Kranendonk (2012). De nominale woordgroep vanuit dialectvergelijkend perspectief. Variaties en generalisaties.
- Corver, Norbert (2013) Colorful spleeny ideas speak furiously. A passionate question at the interface of language and emotion.
- Chen, Zongli & Norbert Corver (2013). Feature inheritance and the comp-trace effect in Chinese relative clauses: the case of suo.
- Corver, Norbert (2014). Subextraction (to appear in The Syntax Companion)
- Corver, Norbert (2014). Freezing effects (to appear in The Syntax Companion)
- Corver, Norbert & Winfried Lechner (2014). Comparative Deletion and Comparative Subdeletion (to appear in The Syntax Companion)
- Corver, Norbert (2014). Floating around in the nominal domain.
- Corver, Norbert (2014). [Adverbial [ ly]].
- Corver, Norbert (2015). (Un)boundedness across syntactic categories.
- Corver, Norbert (2016). Emotion in the build of Dutch. Deviation, augmentation and duplication.
- Corver, Norbert (2016). The freezing points of the (Dutch) adjectival system.
- Harwood, William, Marko Hladnik, Sterre Leufkens, Tanja Temmerman, Norbert Corver, Jeroen van Craenenbroeck (2016). Idioms: Phasehood and projection.
- Wouden, Ton van der, Jenny Audring, Hans Bennis, Frits Beukema, Geert Booij, Hans Broekhuis, Norbert Corver et al (2016). Het Taalportaal.
- Padovan, Andrea, Alessandra Tomaselli, Myrthe Bergstra, Norbert Corver, Ricardo Etxepare, Simon Dold (2016). Minority languages in language contact situations: three case studies on language change.
- Corver, Norbert (2016). Hoezo Arie gaat met pensioen?
- Barbiers, Sjef, Marjo van Koppen, Hans Bennis & Norbert Corver (2016). Microcomparative Morphsyntactic Research (MIMORE). Mapping partial grammars of Flemish, Brabantish and Dutch.
- Corver, Norbert (2017). Exclamative relatives in vocative noun phrases.
- Hans Broekhuis & Norbert Corver (2017). The expressive ‘en maar’ construction.
- Corver, Norbert & Marjo van Koppen (2017). Pronominalization and variation in Dutch demonstrative and possessive expressions.
- Corver, Norbert & Marjo van Koppen (2017). Ellipsis in Dutch.
- Corver, Norbert (2017). There is plenty of room at the bottom for small linguistic stuff.
- Corver, Norbert (2017). Adverbial -s: So awks but so natural!
- Corver, Norbert (2017). Inflected intensifiers: The structure dependence of parasitic agreement.
- Corver, Norbert (2017). Decomposing temporal adverbs.
- Corver, Norbert (2019). A dummy and a diminutive in Dutch verbal lore.
- Corver, Norbert (2019). Measure Phrase Alternation and Smuggling.
- Corver, Norbert (2020). Why in Dutch? On Why-stripping and high and low adverbials.
- Corver, Norbert (2020). On classifiers and affect in the nominal domain: Organizing ‘disorganization’.
- Doreleijers, Kristel & Norbert Corver (2021). Adviserend beter. De pragmatiek en syntaxis van een modaal-subjectief bijwoord.
- Corver, Norbert & Yuta Tatsumi (2021). Number names: internal structure and morphological marking.
- Corver, Norbert (2021). Adverbial -s as last resort: n and a get their support.
- Corver, Norbert (2021). Generatieve syntaxis van het Nederlands: Standen van zaken & een casusstudie.
- Corver, Norbert (2021). Non-interrogative how-clauses: A case study on Dutch.
- Corver, Norbert (2021). Deeltjesversnellers van de taal.
- Corver, Norbert (2023). Taalbewust juridisch beschouwen.
- Corver, Norbert (2023). Linguistic creatures in an institutional world.
- Corver, Norbert (2023). Some remarks on the fine structure of ideophones and the meaning of structure.
- Broekhuis, Hans & Norbert Corver (2024). Adpositions and adpositional phrases: a syntactic view from Dutch.
- Corver, Norbert (2024). Reflections on comparatives and superlatives through a modular lens.
- Corver, Norbert (2024). On the inner structure of manner-adverbial expressions:
from a mono-lingual perspective to a comparative-linguistic perspective. - Corver, Norbert (2024). Functional architecture of adjectival phrases.